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A city with figure-ground designing shows the relationships between positive and negative spaces, sol - ids and voids, or shadows and light. It can be experienc-ed as a series of spaces. Deep-Ground is an idea of utilizing three-dimensional imagination transforming the spaces of our possibilities for life. It breaks the space of solids and blocks with no constraints and develops a new city in mobility and openness.

The trend in population, technology, and education have been changed. Enabler of learning becomes in - visible and technological. City also can be a place for learning. Education is penetrated in a whole city.

Blocks can not restrict neighborhood anymore. It develops new architectural des-ign plan which is without boundary in our daily life. The idea of Deep-Ground redefine an urban, an education and a lifestyle. Demographic trend has been changed. People would like to look for more functions in a city. Deep-Ground is to adapt to this rapid change.

以Figure-Ground創造的都市,儼然將人生活的空間切割於黑白分明,而一棟棟獨立的量體,間接切割人與人 的之間的聯繫,三維Deep-Ground創造突破以往生活空 間的可能,帶來不受量體與街廓限制的流動與開放。

人口問題,科技演變,學習的方式已經改變,未來教育 機構不再需要實質的存在,都市就是教育的載體,學習 機能發生的場域,將滲透融入進都市中。

開放與具有彈性的優勢,三維連續性的都市形態,去街 廓的鄰里關係,突破以往建築的空間構成,模糊邊界的 生活與機能交疊,都將重新定義未來都市的樣貌,教育 形態,生活方式。

多空隙都市系統有如有機體般,能適應世代的快速變 化,人口結構的變遷,同時應付機能需求的增減。

Deep Ground



台北市 大同區 Datong District, Taipei City 


陳賢 Xian Chen

Characterised urban Centres:

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